Are you a working mom wondering how to balance career and motherhood? Working parents have to face this issue all too often. Choosing motherhood over career or career over motherhood can be a tough decision. In this episode of the Total Fit Boss Chick podcast, we're joined by Denisse Soker, a working mom who is embracing motherhood by embracing her career. She says 'Yes' it's possible to have it all. We're discussing how you can enjoy motherhood and thrive in your career. The balancing act" between being a mother and career woman is not always easy. But finding the right balance can be done by figuring out what you want in your personal life and at work, whether it's climbing the corporate ladder, running a successful business, or spending time with family, friends, or even for yourself. Of course, you will have to be willing to compromise on one or more fronts. We realized early on how important this decision would be for us because society had so many different expectations about what being "balanced" means. To enjoy a happier life, we have to be better versions of ourselves for ourselves and those around us. It may not happen at once; it's an ongoing process that requires patience from all parties involved - but the rewards are worth every second spent working on becoming your best self! After trying and getting frustrated, Denisse finally understood the right principles for her needs. It took some time not to let frustration or overwhelm cloud her decisions, which made it easier for herself; now she knows what works best to keep both work and motherhood alive and thriving! Tune in to the Total Fit Boss Chick podcast, "How To Balance Career and Motherhood." We explore ways employees and entrepreneurs can integrate work and life while parenting; tips such as setting specific time frames, boundaries, aligning focus, and letting go of perfection.
In order to be a more effective worker, you must have clear priorities and understand what your goals are. You'll have the make the decisions as to what's most important.
Does this action get closer to my goal? Choosing the task that moves the needle allows you more time for what really matters. Managing your time better can help you become more productive.
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If there is one message I could leave for women that are looking to combine career and motherhood is:
I was told too often that "I can't have both."
The "time invested" paradigm is so 20th century! When did raising your kids turn into an all-out war on yourself? We should shift our focus to quality over quantity in all aspects of life, whether work or play.
When you became a mother, you also got a reality slap from a non-obvious friend - yourself.
When you realize that there is another pair of eyes watching your every move, you become VERY aware of how you treat yourself. What you do will tend to be what your child does as well.
Denisse says,
-The way I look myself at the mirror
-The way I talk to myself when I fail
-The way I take in or push compliments
And it jumpstarted one hell of a journey that I'm still going through until this very day.
Listen to this week's episode of the Total Fit Boss Chick to learn how to balance career and motherhood.
How do you balance your career and motherhood?
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