Have you considered lip-synching or dancing on TikTok to generate leads? Maybe you have an epic website with outstanding landing pages, but your social media posts aren't engaging. Your content marketing is in place, and you have set the stage, but people don't seem to be attracted to your lead generation process. It's time we address the customer journey and how effective lead generation funnels can be the answer you need. In this week’s episode of the Total Fit Boss Chick podcast, we’re joined by Taylor Francois, also known as Coach T! Not only is she a serial entrepreneur and business strategist she was formally crowned Mrs. Maryland. She started, scaled, and sold multiple enterprises using lead generation tools we'll discuss today. She has a knack for helping overworked entrepreneurs qualify leads and reach seven figures in record time without a huge sales team. Coach T is a firm believer in creating a lead funnel of organic social media strategies that propel service and product-based businesses with massive results. The success of her methods has been featured on ABC, NBC Fox, and Business Insider, just to name a few! In this week’s episode, we are going to talk about how you can reach the seven figures in less time with the right lead generation strategy, how to create content that attracts your target audience and how to sell your next launch using TikTok without dancing!
You'll have to listen to the show for all the goods, but here’s a sneak peek of our discussion of the social media platforms where you should show up…
There are loads of platforms we could choose to market our brand. However, what are the best platforms for your company to gain potential customers? Let’s break down some social media techniques for outbound lead generation and inbound lead generation.
LinkedIn ads (best for b2b lead generation) are the most expensive. However, it's perfect for high ticket sales, where it only takes one to two sales a month to make seven figures a year. Next is TikTok, where you can make seven figures organically! Now, there are two types of TikTok content. The first is evergreen content. This content explains what you do, your industry or market, your products, and services. Essentially, it’s content that will always be relevant to you and your brand. The second type is trending content, but it doesn’t mean you need to lip-sync or dance. However, take advantage of using trending audios to get on the algorithms.
Instagram is another great platform you can use the reels feature like Tic Tok videos in addition to making post and stories.
Don’t miss out on any of this fun episode on the Total Fit Boss Chick - Listen Now!
Topics on Earning with Social Media
Sales Funnel
How to Nurture to Conversion
Mentoring Moments with Coach T
Create a Lead Generation Funnel to a Seven-Figure Income
There are essentially three crucial steps to funnel your audience to loyal customers. These include audience building, nurture, and a magnetic offer. Listen to this week’s episode of the Total Fit Boss Chick to avoid missing all the details!
Building your audience is the key to success. Don’t focus on creating a course or launching products through Etsy - instead, build up an engaged base of followers who will buy what you're selling with email marketing! You can do this by staying in touch and posting regularly- received their emails? Make sure they get updates from YOU directly via mailings like newsletters.
Once you’ve established yourself as an expert in your field, it is time to start converting customers into buyers. To do this successfully requires that we have a strong social media presence and consistently produce fresh content for your followers on these channels, which addresses their concerns or provides them with exclusive offers they can't get anywhere else but where you are. Facebook groups or your company app is a great place to nurture your audience.
It's time to get really personal with your customers! The connection you've made through the nurturing phase gives you a perfect insight on what pain points they might be experiencing, so now it is up for us as marketers & entrepreneurs -the ones who know our audiences best-to offer them solutions in an efficient way.
Listen to the show for strategies and download the
FREE digital planner download to help keep you on task.
In the digital age - marketing has moved to social media platforms that are flooded with paid ads and content. So, what does that mean for YOUR marketing strategy, and how do YOU stand out? Tune in to this week’s episode of the Total Fit Boss Chick to kick-start your seven-figure journey!
Connect with Coach T,
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/official_coach
Facebook: thttps://www.facebook.com/groups/onlineentrepreneurscollective
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